The best and the fast. When it comes to muscle growth one of those can not happen. My teenage son has started working out with the weights and wants my help. Sure, would love to. He has been training for about a month and got his first pump in his biceps. He thought it was great, like most of us. “I’m getting bigger now” he said to me. I had to let him know that was just a pump and it would go away soon. But him and his friends chase that pump, everyday new muscle group. They think that the more they pump the bigger the will get. Wrong. That pump is a lot like a lot of problems I see in the gym today. Quick. I need muscles fast. New cable machine and everyone is on it. Waiting there turn. New supplement came in and everyone is trying to get there hands on it. New bodybuilder in town and everyone is trying his routine. Latest and greatest. Funny how it never seems to stay around. I remeber pre-exhaution with Arthur Jones and the Joe Wieder principles. All that is gone now. What is left is what works and that is the best for muscle growth.

So what is left? The basics. How boring. Yeah, I know, but it works. Always has and always will. The big basic multi joint exercises. Low reps. high reps. The bench press and the deadlift. The power clean and the squat. Full reps. No half ass stuff. That is the best muscle growth, when you stop training and you have dieted down. What stayed? Protein powders, they stayed, whey and all. The multi vitiamns stayed. The pro-hormones are gone( but not because they did not work, thanks big brother). Gaint sets are gone.
Fast never works, it just will not stay long enough to prove itself. But the best always stays around. Regroup with the basics. Three days a week, full body workouts. Protein powder shakes with milk , that stayed. Twice a day routines left, who has time for that. Give me one heavy set of deadlifts for max reps, to the point of passing out that will build real muscle and the real muscle is what stays. That is the best.